Viber Chatbots on Chat Leap:
Frequently Asked Questions

We try to answer, the most common questions about our service below, but it you have any further questions - feel free to Conact Us or Request a Quote.

How Can I Build a Viber Chatbot?

There are two main ways to build a Viber bot.

  1. Code it + Host it Yourself.

    While this may sound good in theory - this approach tends to have a massive TCO (total cost of ownership), as expensive developer time is spent learning the Viber bot REST API, managing scale issues in the deployment, maintaining packages, and having to invest more development when new features are needed.

  2. Build No-Code, and host on Chat Leap.

    The main advantages with this approach are extremely rapid building and deployment of the bot, no need to worry about scale whatsoever, and dozens of winning features already baked into the product.

    In addition, if you talk to us, we can suggest the best winning patterns after years of experience running the largest and most popular bots on Viber.

    Many customers come to Chat Leap to build their Viber Chatbot after they failed building it themselves, and discovered just how easy it can be with Chat Leap.

How much does a Viber Chatbot Cost?

Feel free to see our Pricing page to learn more about our cost structure.

Our packages are based on building the bot (which you can do yourself on the Chat Leap platform) and hosting the bot including analytics collection.

Can I Try The Platform Myself?

Yes, you can try Chat Leap for free and deploy a basic bot. See How to build a Viber Chatbot with Chat Leap.

Who Can Recommend Chat Leap?

Since Chat Leap powers the largest bots on the Viber Platform, we're recommended by Viber's Partner management directly, and by our independent customers.

Feel free to Contact Us and discuss more.

Chat Leap has been around since 2016, and is explicitly the top Viber Chatbot partner since 2017.

Who Owns My Viber Bot Details?

You are the owner of your chatbot's subscriber base. If at any point, you want to stop using Chat Leap and run your bot yourself, we're happy to export all the data for you to use.

I Have a Custom Viber bot Project. How can I build it?

The best approach would be write to us and get a quote for the development and hosting.

The consultation is free, and many times we direct customers in a better direction for their project - based on our years of experience building Viber chatbots and seeing which campaigns get the most traction in the market.